Curriculum Structure
B.Tech Aerospace Engineering
4 years (8 semesters) of study consist of theory, practical, theory cum practical, and projects for a total of 165 credits
Course Categories
Basic Science (BS)
Professional Core (PC)
Departmental Elective (DE)
Non-Departmental Elective (NE)
Hons’ Electives
Minor Electives
Curriculum Distribution
The student shall select any two courses /activity listed in Table 1during the course of study. The student has to make his / her own efforts for earning the credits. The grades given will be Pass / Fail (P/F). The respective class teachers have to encourage, monitor and record the relevant activities of the students, based on the rules issued from time to time by the Institute and submit the End semester report to the Head of the Department.
NON – CGPA credits for professional development